With that, the 13 episode TOG anime comes to an end.
Was pretty hyped when this was announced last year. TOG is the first korean webtoon to be animated. I really loved TOG, and even though there is a glaring flaw in the writing as it went on (as discussed in the anime and manga post), this isn't prevalent in the early part of the series.
The anime adaptation was alright. It's not amazing, I wished it had the love demon slayer got, but it'll do. Art wise, it felt a little too flowy at times. Story wise, the changes and cuts made to squeeze the entire season 1 into 13 episodes made the character building weaker, and loses some nice moments. Some key changes were also made, likely an attempt to allow the entire season to be stronger as a standalone story.
Still, I looked forward to watching it every week. TOG has a great season 1, even if it takes time to build up. All in all, I'll say it was very satisfying to see this story I really liked animated.
Skip this next bit below if you don't want to read potential season 1 spoilers:
Also, credit where credit is due, the most important part of season 1, that famous moment, was done right. With the anime released, we know what is going to dominate number 1 position of top ten anime betrayals list for the foreseeable future heh.
With TOG being a korean webtoon but a japanese anime, it's so appropriate that the ones singing the opening and ending would be a korean boyband singing in japanese.
Gotta say, never thought the day would come where kpop (or is it jpop if they are singing in japanese) is used for the opening and closing heh.