I guess I will keep posting about them

Caught this when I was on reservist. They burst into the scene during COVID, glad to see them finally be able to have their first live concert!

Opening with Tracing the Dream vocals only [2:00] before kicking it full gear [2:38], so hype. Fireworks animation very pretty also heh, especially when it bursts forth at the chorus [3:35].

RGB really grew on me. Pretty cute intro to it with the clapping [12:48]. Also like the lyrics of the song about friendship that transcends time and life. 

Of course second half would kick off with Racing into the Night. That transition into Monster though [4:25], when you see the colours and tone you know it's coming, then it hits at [4:58] and I just start grinning. My favourite part of Monster will always the 2nd half of 2nd verse [6:22]

Of course, I am a sucker for Gunjo / Ultramarine / Blue whatever you call it [21:42]. Speaking of grinning, Gunjo never never fails to make me grin right as it starts [22:11], concert or not heh. Song's too good. Partially I guess I'm a sucker for a good choir, anthem type song, considering I really liked Radwimps' Grand Escape too. Gunjo isn't just that though - the melody, the guitar swells, the transitions, the lyrics. So good.

Alright now I need to post Gunjo again heh. Helps that Gunjo has a passable English version.


Also I said in the Omokage post that Ikura isn't pushed to her limits in that song. Ayase really pushes Ikura with his melodies lol. I'm not sure what is the correct way to describe it musically, it just has so many layers and so many things going on at the same time. His compositions are complex. In addition to that, things keep switching up even within the same song. I suppose it's a reflection of his origin as a vocaloid producer. Ayase's composition is truly top tier.

I suppose it's also no coincidence that he approached Ikura to form YOASOBI. He clearly was already looking for someone who can handle his melodies. Ikura has insane range and ability to smoothly 'move' around it.

Who knows, maybe what sold Ikura to Ayase was her cover of RADWIMPS heh.

I've also been wondering why there just isn't an english language equivalent for Japanese music. I'm not just talking about YOASOBI but Japanese songs (particularly Anisong) in general. I'm not a super weeb so without looking at lyrics I never know what these songs are singing about. It's also harder to appreciate because I can't sing along. Despite that, I still really like them because of the composition. I can't seem to find something like that but in english. The only thing remotely close is english covers which are usually subpar because they are originally written in another language and translated - usually leading to either broken english or the song not sounding like it was meant to be because of the different pronunciations of different words.
