Looking through all my old posts heh. I have ALOT of them wow.
It's my natural disposition to be fascinated with concepts and ideas, I still very much am. Those dominated my older posts. At the same time when I have reflections, they tend to be very introspective, but little about the people around me.
If I were to describe how I've changed over time, I would say that I have gotten better at understanding others and being more relational. Still ways to go, but that's great!
Only reached 2012 so far, though I do have a good idea of what to expect as I go further haha.
As I looked through my old posts, I find that there are some that stand out more than others, the ones that I remember and have shaped my life in one way or another. Some are posts about articles or things others have said that shaped my worldview, some are the ones that I ponder myself and write about as I try to understand and internalise it.
Some are literally just a title, an emo looking image and maybe a single or a few cryptic sentences, and I know exactly what it was lel.
My personal favourite LEL post: http://ipokeyouwithapencilthatissharp.blogspot.com/2015/11/end-delusion.html
I 100% remember this, looking back it's hilarious. I was so angsty at myself due to things in my life then, and then I took it out all on this song because it encapsulated everything I was tilted about ahha.